Trekking in UmbriaMuli e Asini in TrekkingTrekking con i MulliSibillini escursioni
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Trekking with mules
Come and travel with us! Trekking with mules is a real journey. The mules do not run but walk carrying the weight of the travellers. You are then relieved of any burdens and are free to enjoy the natural scenery. The treks last for a few days, between the medieval villages, forests, vineyards, olive groves, valleys and mountains, from a farm to a shelter, following the paths of transhumance and the water springs. There are many historical and natural sights to see. You can sleep on a holiday farm, a hotel or a shelter but the more adventurous can also choose the option
Trekking Muli Lago Pilato
Sibillini Muli
Monti Laga Trekking Muli
of sleeping in our tents. Children can also participate in the trek because our exceptional donkeys accompany them all the way. During the trekking, you will do a lot of socializing with the other participants and so break the routine of daily life. The mule acts as the quiet and humble mediator and facilitator of our organization. The treks are suitable for everyone: you don’t need to have climbed K2, you simply need to have the desire to do some exercise or to feel in shape. Please see our Calendar.pdf
Trekking Gran Sasso
Trekking Muli Valnerina
Muli Marche e Umbria

Materiale Trekking Muli
View the equipment provided by the organization. Information/reservations contact:
Occorrente Trekking Muli
Please see the equipment and clothing recommended. Information/reservations contact:
Info Contacts
Coop La Mulattiera Via Blasi, 26 - 06046 Ancarano di Norcia (Perugia) - Umbria
tel. 0743.820051 cell. 339.4513189 320.1723752 - P.Iva 02543550541 Rea 224790